Investigating active teaching methods for English language courses in secondary school

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, PO Box 14665889, Tehran, Iran

2 Teacher of Education, Elementary Education, Farhangian University, Ardabil, Iran.


Background and Objectives: Teaching English as a mediating and widely used language worldwide has always been necessary. In the current situation and considering the advancement of education technology, designing a suitable space for learning using modern education methods, as environmental factors and components, is an essential matter in education. Active teaching methods significantly improve students' academic performance, and students' interaction, participation, and motivation will be more in such methods. Methods: The qualitative research method is a synthesis research using six stages. The keywords active teaching, English language, and secondary school were used to find sources. Also, 46 articles and two books were used from the databases of comprehensive humanities portal, scientific information database (SID), ScienceDirect, doormats, Google Scholar, civilian, IEEEexplore Findings: The purpose of this research is to investigate active teaching methods for English language courses in secondary school. The results show that five items were found as central themes among the extracted components, and eight were obtained as secondary themes. Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that active teaching methods for English language lessons in secondary school are effective and improve the classroom teaching process.


Main Subjects