Designing a curriculum model based on emotional education with a brain education approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University,Urmia branch, Urmia, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Urmia branch, Urmia, Iran


Background and objectives: This research aims to design a curriculum model based on emotional education with the approach of brain education. Methods The research method of the present study is qualitative in such a way that the synthesis research method was used, and the Friedman test was used to rank each element. The research sample, based on the goals, questions, and stages of the research, including two sections of written library documents and 15 teachers in Urmia City, was used to determine the ranking of the nine curriculum elements. In this method, the emotional and brain education research was investigated and analyzed by identifying the commonalities and differences between different research. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated using SPSS software (Cronbach's alpha coefficient), 0.748. Findings: In the beginning, to find the components, we studied and reviewed the sources related to the emotional education and brain training approach with more than 60 internal and external sources. Finally, we reached saturation with 32 sources and ten main components such as mental stimulation, mental activities, the flexibility of the brain and nerves, brain and nerve science, mehari, numerical processing, educational neuroscience, moral education, the principle of emotional promotion, and regulation and control of emotions were identified. According to the results of Friedman's test, while ranking the elements of the proposed curriculum model, the teachers introduced the content element with the highest importance and rank, the goal in the rank. Conclusion: As a result, it is possible to apply brain-centered emotional education using the suggested curriculum for elementary schools.


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