Developing and Validating a Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) Scale for the TEFL Teacher Education Program in the Iranian Context

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of English Language Teaching, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba’i University,

3 School of Foreign Languages, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa


Background and Objectives: Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is believed to affect teachers' practices in the EFL classroom. However, PCK seems to be a relative concept; being related to specific socio-cultural and contextual curriculum. Methods: To this end, through a thorough literature review and interviews with 60 pre-service teachers from Frahangian University, the items to be included in a PCK questionnaire were elicited. Additionally, 50 pre-service teachers from the target universities attended the process of developing and piloting the open-ended questionnaire. 176 other pre-service teachers completed a Likert scale PCK questionnaire including 56 items and 9 components. The factor analysis results were conducive to omitting 17 items and the final questionnaire encompassed 39 items. Then, 285 pre-service teachers completed a questionnaire whose reliability and construct validity had been confirmed through Cronbach’s alpha and factor analysis, respectively. Findings: The overall questionnaire enjoyed a reliability index of .902 and the reliability indices for the nine components were also estimated and reported. The construct validity of the scale was also confirmed through factor analysis. Conclusion: The PCK questionnaire developed and validated in the present study can be used in studies about EFL teacher education and PCK in the EFL context. 


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