A systematic approach to the innovations in curriculum planning approaches and their role in education and upbringing

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, PO Box 889-14665, Tehran, Iran.


Background and Objectives: Studying curriculum planning approaches helps educational planners design more effective programs that cater to the needs of students. This research examines the recent developments in curriculum planning approaches and their role in education and upbringing. Methods: A systematic approach was employed for this purpose. Sample research resources related to the research topic were selected to provide the researcher with the best available information per the research question. After reviewing these resources, the researcher analyzed the information, categorizing them based on their influential and adaptable roles in relevant domains. These categories were divided into principles and ideologies underpinning modern curriculum planning developments, theories and models, changes in educational policy, types of modern curriculum planning approaches and derived teaching principles and patterns, developments in assessment and evaluation, and challenges arising from these changes. Findings: The findings have demonstrated that the performance of curriculum planning approaches is influenced by the historical, cultural, and social context, and modern curriculum planning approaches are moving towards a responsive approach within the societal framework. Conclusion: To respond to the recent developments in the educational sector, curriculum planning needs to be adjusted to align with the changing needs of society. For this reason, there is a need for collaboration between schools, universities, educational organizations, and the government to improve education in our country.
